Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Its easy to say that Disney was the main reason why I started to admire film. Its because of Disney I learned and started to appreciate art. Growing I went to Disneyland often as well as watching all the Disney classics. The first film I ever saw in a movie theater was The Little Mermaid, it quickly became one of my favorites. Ariel was a princess and a character that I related to and admired at a young age. I was even her for Halloween once or twice. As much as I love and adore Ariel, she is very similar to other Disney princesses. I believe there is only one Disney princess movie that doesn't have singing it in would be Disney/Pixar's Brave. The classics (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella) all have to do with the prince and their journey to find him or find love. In these classics as well as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and even a more modern one Tangled. They are all are save by the prince. There are a select few that have branched away from the stereotypical fairytale like Mulan, Frozen, and once again Brave. Yes, most of those movies have a common theme, because they are so similar and a lot of the princess look a like, such as big eyes, small nose, big hair and unnatural body proportion it gives girls at a young age the wrong idea on how woman are supposed to look. There isn't much of a difference between Tangled's princess Rapunzel and Frozen's princesses Anna and Elsa. All three of them have the same "make up" and build up. Of course there are  some negatives to these movies, but there are also so positives. I believe the positives out way the negatives these movies are just to entertain, but to empire us to view the world differently. For example, something I learned from Ariel is to follow your heart, and be ready for the consequences that may follow after your actions. There all all these hidden life messages through Disney's movies why might just have to look hard to find out the lesion is really.

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